Posts Tagged look

Random Movie of the Week: Look

(I do not own this photo)

I am going to start out by saying Look will either enthrall you or disgust you.  The idea of a film being shot entire by use of surveillance camera is creepy to say the least.  Now I am sure many of us have been to the mall, convenience store, gas station, or some other business that has surveillance cameras watching over you so that is what makes this movie feel so real.  Now this is not like some found footage film like Paranormal Activity or Cloverfield with the shaky camera work and the lack of coherency as to where the hell they are filming.

Look follows a wide range of characters (high school students, teachers, cubicle workers, lawyers, criminals, and more) that otherwise would have nothing to do with each other had it not been for the surveillance cameras at these everyday places.  Together the cameras tell a quite unusual series of events only possible in a movie.  I do not want to give away too much because you just have to see some of the content of the film unfold.  Here is the trailer:

As I said you will either be captivated by this movie or appalled by it.  It starts out very humorous but soon turns dark as the characters’ world quickly spirals out of control.  None of the characters are really likeable except the guys that work at the gas station, which is only two of the many people in this film.  None of the actors are well known, nor is the director/writer Adam Rifkin.  But they thing most interesting aspect of Look is that this sort of stuff happens.  It may not be common but the fact that the film puts all of this into one film makes it very difficult to turn away from.

I strongly recommend give Look a watch especially with friends.  Even if you do not like the movie, it is sure to be something you and your friends will discuss for a long time.  I score it a 8/10 because it did not completely disgust me and I wanted a little more from the ending.

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